haixx .. my chinese software hav pro again
Very busy recently.
A lotsss of schoolwork need to do = =
and aso my ICT assignment ahhh
haixx haixx everyday need to rush here n there
wat life izit worr = =
my church kena paint ahh
i think many of u noe dy..
for me, i think it is serious..
need to paint the wall again..
haha new year coming mahh
merentas desa so tired wahh..
running until wanna died = =
and a IMPORTANT thing
we will become darker cause of UV - -
my kor result so GOOD sia..
3.9 worrr.. damn EXCELLENT
if me sure knot get tis result de..
juz wanna update for recently life
aiyaa.. i cut it short..
i hav a damn rush busy form 5 T^T